I have a template element that is used on almost every page of the site. I would like to cache that element globally, except on one particular page I would like it to just be a normal cache based on the page URL.

The current code I'm using is below, which is not working as intended. The global cache is still working on entry id 126.

{% cache globally using key 'entry_' ~ entry.id ~ '_elements' unless entry is not defined or entry.id == '126' %}

What would be the best way to make that functionality work without slowing down any other pages? Thanks!

  • Just as a test try this on the entry 126 page: {% cache globally using key 'entry_' ~ entry.id ~ '_elements' unless entry.id == '126' %}
    – Brad Bell
    May 3, 2017 at 19:17
  • Hey @BradBell, thanks for the response. Tried the test and still seeing the same caching issues.
    – dpayne
    May 3, 2017 at 20:26
  • Are you sure it's entry 126? May 4, 2017 at 18:22
  • @RitterKnight Yes. I also tried using entry.title and had the same problem. Still need to try the solution below and will update as appropriate but looks like that should work.
    – dpayne
    May 4, 2017 at 20:20

2 Answers 2


You could add a variable like globalCacheDisabled and {% cache globally using key 'entry_' ~ entry.id ~ '_elements' unless globalCacheDisabled %} and use a {% set globalCacheDisabled = entry.disableGlobalCache %} on the given page template.

On Craft's side I'd use a Lightswitch field on the entry with handle disableGlobalCache, which is disabled by default which you can then activate on the given entry/ies.

This makes you prone to changing id's and differences across environments. (While testing make sure to purge the cache)


So the caching issue I was having was on our blog overview page - a page on which you can do filtering to show entries of a certain category. Whenever someone would do a filter - the header would remain cached, when it should have updated to reflect the filter.

Anyway, I think in most cases @lazy pirate's solution would have worked but it wasn't working for me - possibly because the filtering was making it so Craft wasn't viewing the page as one single entry when a filter was run?

The solution I came to that worked for me was this:

{% cache globally using key 'entry_' ~ entry.id ~ '_elements' unless entry is not defined or craft.request.segment(1) == 'blog' %}

That worked because 'blog' is always in the same position in the URL, even when filtered. Hope that helps someone!

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