I'd like my form to return to the same page with a param ?success.

The page slug is dynamic though so will change depending on what form you are on.


{% set entrySlug = craft.request.lastSegment %}                         

                                    {{ craft.freeform.form("landingPage", {
                                        id: "form-landing",
                                        useRequiredAttribute: true,
                                        returnUrl: "{{ entrySlug }}?success"
                                    }).render() }}

Obviously if i just use returnUrl: "?success" it takes me back to the homepage.

The idea of this is so I can trigger facebook events upon form completion, so open to any better approaches.


1 Answer 1


Have you tried using the {{ craft.request.url }} variable in your returnUrl setting?

Also you should be able to format it like so:

returnUrl: craft.request.url ~ "?success"

More details about the craft.request model can be found here: https://craftcms.com/docs/templating/craft.request

  • 1
    In Craft 3+ this should be craft.app.request.url otherwise you'll get a deprecation error.
    – Tim Coysh
    Commented May 9, 2021 at 12:15

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