I've got a working sort dropdown on my front end, but I'm after the dropdown keeping the chosen sort method option instead of resetting to the default top of the dropdown option.
e.g. User clicks sort by Name A - Z > Sorted by name > Dropdown option stays as 'Name A-Z' instead of 'default'.
<select class="sort-web w-select" data-name="Sort" id="sortQuery" name="Sort">
<option value="postDate asc">New - Old</option>
<option value="title desc">Name Z - A</option>
<option value="title asc">Name A - Z</option>
Craft Code
{# Either get the order from the query or use a default #}
{% set order = craft.request.getParam('order', 'title asc') %}
{% for category in craft.categories.group('university').order(order) %}
{{ category.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% set orderJs %}
$('#sortQuery').on("change", function(e){
// Get the value from the select
var filter = $(this).val();
document.location.href = '{{ craft.request.getUrl() }}?order=' + filter;
{% endset %}
{% includeJs orderJs %}
Any help would be greatly appreciated!