How can I omit a certain tag from being cached?
I have a large page with a fair few queries but halfway down I am loading in a Freeform Form field which cannot be cached. But I'd like all of the content below it to be..
Unfortunately, the vanilla {% cache %}
tag doesn't have a way to escape or ignore certain content.
The obvious workaround is to have more than one {% cache %}
tag, where the content that shouldn't be cached sits between/outside those tags.
If you can't do that, another option is to use output buffering and injection. Basically, you cache whatever you need to cache, but {% set %}
the output to a variable, rather than rendering it immediately. The important bit: Inside the content that you cache, you put some sort of placeholder value where you want the un-cached content to render. This placeholder can be whatever you want, but make it something that isn't likely to also appear in the actual content (e.g. "%%%foobarbaz%%%"
Then, {% set %}
the un-cached content to a variable also – and finally, when you print the cached content, you use the |replace
filter to replace the placeholder value in the cached content with the variable containing the un-cached content. Something like this:
{# Set the cached content to a variable #}
{% set cachedContent %}
{% cache globally using key craft.request.path %}
{# A bunch of taxing queries here #}
<p>I am content.</p>
{# Injection point for un-cached data #}
<p>I am more content.</p>
{% endcache %}
{% endset %}
{# Set the uncached content to a variable #}
{% set uncachedContent %}
<p>I am some content that never is cached wooooo</p>
{% endset %}
{# Print the whole thing #}
{{ cachedContent|replace('%%%foobarbaz%%%', uncachedContent)|raw }}
Finally, there's a plugin which may work for you.