I have a complex template which uses various modules and sub-components for which I opted for handling all the logic and rendering directly in PHP, as it felt like it was too complex a job for twig.

Currently, when I change a field (e.g. swap out an image) inside one of the modules, the surrounding cache isn't busted, so the site doesn't update.

My question is: How can I make Craft aware of fields used inside a plugin within a {% cache %} tag, so that when a field is changed, the surrounding cache is busted?

I am aware of the TemplateCacheService, but unsure if / how I can use that in this case (I had a bit of an experiment with no success).

The modules represent a Neo field, but my assumption is that this would work very similarly if not identically to if this was a matrix field.


A super-reduced test case looks something like the following:

{% for module in modules %}
    {% cache using key module.id %}
        {{ craft.control.renderModule(module) }}
    {% endcache %}
{% endfor %}




namespace Craft;

class ControlVariable

    public function renderModule($module)
        return craft()->control_modules->renderModule($module);




namespace Craft;

class Control_ModulesService extends BaseApplicationComponent

public function __construct()

public function renderModule($module)

    <!-- How can Craft know when this image changes? -->
    <img src="<?= $module->myImageField->first()->getUrl(); ?>">




FWIW, in the following setup, the cache is successfully busted when changing the image field in the CMS:

{% for module in modules %}
    {% cache using key module.id %}
        <img src="{{ module.myImageField.first().getUrl() }}">      
    {% endcache %}
{% endfor %}


1 Answer 1


The {% cache %} tag tracks Elements (Users, Entries, Categories, Tags, etc.), so if you're want to do this using a plugin, then the plugin's field type needs to inherit from BaseElementFieldType and needs to implement its own element type.

From there, it's just a matter of calling craft()->templateCache->includeElementInTemplateCaches().

  • Thanks so much for getting back to me Brad! If I could just clarify / confirm something: the field types I am outputting the values of in the plugin are actually native Craft fields (e.g. myImageField above is just a regular assets field). Would that change anything?
    – Mike Vaux
    Commented Apr 4, 2017 at 8:15

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