I want to add a checkbox field to all my entries.

But the key factor being that if 3 entries from 100 have this checkbox enabled, the 3 entries will show in the list of 100+ entries with a specific colour/sign/ anything really that makes it stand out and shows that this entry has this field checked.

Im hoping I made sense!


1 Answer 1


You can use the cog at the bottom of the panel to choose which columns to show in the entries table

Cog to change which columns are shown

This then highlights which entries have the checkbox enabled:

Shows which entries have the the checbox selected

Unfortunately, I don't think you can sort on this sort of column with core.

Some plugins may help here, if you want more control, e.g.


Or for a lot more options/control in this area:


  • The only issue is that the CpSortable plugin doesnt sort by checkbox, its not an available field type ;[
    – Davabo
    Commented Feb 8, 2017 at 10:39
  • Hmm, I thought it could, but I uninstalled it since it breaks with Commerce a bit. Shame. Maybe trial Zenbu? At least you can see them easily now... Commented Feb 9, 2017 at 3:06

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