How do I replace ";" with "," in string "Red; Green; Blue"?

{% set rgb = "Red; Green; Blue" %}

1 Answer 1


Twig has a replace filter for that. You can replace strings/vars with strings/vars:

{% set string = "I love apples" %}
{% set var = "like" %}
{% set string = string|replace({'apples': 'kiwis', 'love': var}) %}

{{ string }} {# Prints "I like kiwis" #}

Your example:

{% set rgb = "Red; Green; Blue" %}
{% set rgb = rgb|replace({';': ','}) %}

{{ rgb }} {# Prints "Red, Green, Blue" #}
  • 10
    Worth noting that Craft actually comes with its own version of the replace filter, which actually supports a simpler syntax if you’re only replacing one thing: |replace('apples', 'kiwis') Commented Jun 14, 2014 at 13:35
  • Thanks for this! Helped me out with replacing something with a variable. Commented May 16, 2019 at 20:49

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