I would like to display images from various sections, in this case the home page. I am still coming to terms with Twig/Craft's criteria models and the transform makes it confusing.

{% for image in craft.entries.section('news').limit(1) %}
    {% set transformedImage = craft.imager.transformImage(image, { width: 1420, height: 550, position: image.focalPoint }) %}

    <img src="{{ image.bannerImage.first().getUrl }}" alt="" />
{% endfor %}` 

Where do you then define the image? (bannerImage is a asset field)

  • Can you please rewrite this question so it has context for other people who may be viewing.
    – Fyrebase
    Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 7:08

1 Answer 1


Try the following, it should do what you are after.

  Generate array of entries comprised of first
  entry from each section
{% set entries = [
] %}

{# Loop through entry array #}
{% for entry in entries %}
  {% if entry.bannerSlider|length %}
    {% set image = entry.bannerSlider.first() %}
    {% set transformedImage = craft.imager.transformImage(image, { width: 1420, height: 550, position: image.focalPoint,  effects: { grayscale: true, gamma: 1.5}, }) %}
    <li data-transition="" data-masterspeed="500">
    <img src="{{ transformedImage.url }}"/>
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

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