I'm converting an EE site to Craft. During the conversion we are establishing LOCAL > DEV > LIVE environments and using GitHub.
LOCAL = My local MAMP PRO setup. DEV & LIVE = a single account at Arcustech. DEV = ~/www/dev_html/public LIVE = ~/www/public_html/public
The site currently has 354,000 images/thumbnail files in the /images directory. We'll eventually move images/assets to S3/Cloudfront, but for now/launch we're keeping them local.
Obviously I don't want to duplicate 354K images in the DEV directory, AND keep them sync'd, but want the DEV to correctly display images/assets for the client to see.
So I was thinking a /images
symbolic link in DEV, pointing to /images
in LIVE would maintain all the correct image/asset paths and display for the DEV site and Craft configs?
Does this make sense? Am I missing something or is there a better/easier/default way to do handle large numbers of images/assets across DEV & LIVE environments when they are on the same server/account?