I'm using Commerce, and Orders can have a custom field on them. I need customers to be able to update that field from a front end form. I can't use the built in contoller for Orders because that requires Admin users.
In Commerce how can I have a customer update custom fields on an order after the order is completed?
1 Answer
Create a new plugin with a new controller class that enables this.
namespace Craft;
class MyPlugin extends BasePlugin
... the usual stuff from https://pluginfactory.io/ etc ...
namespace Craft;
class My_OrdersController extends BaseController
public function actionUpdateOrder()
// basic security precautions
// get the fields
$orderNumber = craft()->request->getPost('orderNumber');
$customField = craft()->request->getPost('customField');
$order = craft()->commerce_orders->getOrderByNumber($orderNumber);
// do the stuff
if ($order &&
$order->customer->userId == craft()->userSession->getUser()->id &&
$customField != '')
// Lets also change the Order Status
$order->orderStatusId = 3; // this line changes the Status if wanted. Use the ID of the custom status.
$order->message = "Order status changed to 'To be cancelled' by customer";
Front end form:
<form action="" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="myplugin/orders/updateOrder">
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="shop/customer/order?number={{ number }}">
<input type="hidden" name="orderNumber" value="{{ number }}">
<span>Custo Field</span>
<input type="text"
value="{{ order.customField }}"
<input type="submit" class="button warning" value="Confirm"/>