I have a commissions section in where we have a matrix field where we add the user (from craft.users) and the function of the user.
A user can be in more that one commissions.
On the user profile page, we want to show besides some personal information, all the commissions in which he is active.
For a single relation field (user type field), we have no problem, but I can't get it working with this matrix field.
Matrix field info:
Section: commissionmembers
Blocktype: members
Fields: member
(fieldtype users)
(plain text)
This is a working example with a Users field
{% for user in craft.users.id( craft.request.lastSegment ).limit(1) %}
{% set commissions = craft.entries.section('commissions').relatedTo(user) %}
{% for commission in commissions %}
{{ commission.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Hope you can point me in the right direction how to get it working with the matrix field