I created a plugin settings page following the example shown here but my entries need to include multilines (they are email bodies). My Twig template for the settings page is like this:

{% import "_includes/forms" as forms %}

{{ forms.textField({
    label: "Submitted Subject"|t,
    id: 'submittedSubject',
    name: 'submittedSubject',
    instructions: "Input your setting"|t,
    value: settings.submittedSubject,
    errors: settings.getErrors('submittedSubject'),

(this field is repeated 6 times). I tried using textAreas instead of textFields, but it doesn't have the same options and I don't think it works (doesn't have a value field). Also it doesn't help that there's barely any documentation for this. Is there a way for me to have multiline text inside the text field?

1 Answer 1


You are close, the template loaded by the macro can be found in craft/app/templates/_includes/forms/textarea.html. It does have a value attribute, and a few others, for example:

{{ forms.textareaField({
    label:         "Submitted Subject"|t,
    id:            'submittedSubject',
    name:          'submittedSubject',
    instructions:  "Input your setting"|t,
    value:         settings.submittedSubject,
    rows:          4,
    cols:          50,
    errors:        settings.getErrors('submittedSubject'),
    maxlength:     250,
    showCharsLeft: true,
    autofocus:     settings.hasErrors('submittedSubject'),
}) }}

All the form macros are defined in craft/app/templates/_includes/forms.html.

  • 1
    the reason why i didn't see the value attribute and the other ones was because i was actually using textArea instead of textareaField... this works wonders though, just as i wanted it to be. Commented Sep 9, 2016 at 9:43

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