A similar bug with this plugin has be brought up before.
The issue that I'm having is that the post handle mailchimpSubscribe/list/Subscribe doesn't seems to be working correctly. I'm wondering if this is due to any recent changes to Craft CMS? It has worked in the past but it doesn't seem to want to work now.
<form class="newsletter-form" action="#subscribe" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="mailchimpSubscribe/list/Subscribe">
{% if mailchimpSubscribe is defined %}
{% if (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) and (mailchimpSubscribe.errorCode!='1000') %}
<p>An error occured. Please try again.</p>
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<input type="text" name="email" value="{% if (mailchimpSubscribe is defined) and (not mailchimpSubscribe.success) %}{{ mailchimpSubscribe.values.email }}{% endif %}"/>
After submitting the form I get
Unable to resolve the request "mailchimpSubscribe/list/Subscribe".
I thought maybe it was to do with an incorrect character that should be uppercase/lowercase but i've tried a few different combinations.
Has anyone come across the same issue recently?