I am able to inspect my cart using commerce_orders.onOrderComplete
Next I loop through each line item & check for a specific product type. I need to be able to get the specific product, as there are attributes (values) within that product that I am saving to my plugin's records.
For example, if a user purchases "My Product", "My Product" has attributes that include things like "Follow-Up Meetings Qty" Where the admin is allowed to choose the number of meetings are included with "My Product".
Here is what I have that is close, I am stumbling getting the correct criteria model back. I know I'm not working with an entry, so I need to use the purchasable element type.
craft()->on('commerce_orders.onOrderComplete', function (Event $event) {
user = $event->params['order']->getCustomer()->getUser();
$orderNumber = $event->params['order']->number;
foreach ($event->params['order']->lineItems as $item) {
if ($item->snapshot['product']['typeId'] == 123) {
$productId = $item->snapshot['id'];
// Get order details.
switch ($productId) {
case 456:
error_log('---- My Product Was Purchased ----');
error_log('user id: ' . $user->id);
error_log('order number: ' . $orderNumber);
error_log('product id: ' . $productId);
// Get the specific product that was purchased.
$criteria = craft()->commerce_purchasables->getCriteria(ElementType::Purchasable);
$criteria->limit = 1;
$products = $criteria->find();
if ($products) {
foreach ($products as $product) {
// Access the products' attributes
// $product->meetings_qty (3)
// $product->foo_qty (2)
// $product->bar_qty
// Save the values to my plugin record.
} else {
error_log('no products found that match criteria!');
Thank you for any suggestions!
Thank you Brad!
Here is what the solution looks like after I removed the over-complication "stuff". Hope this helps anyone who comes across this thread.
craft()->on('commerce_orders.onOrderComplete', function (Event $event) {
$user = $event->params['order']->getCustomer()->getUser();
$orderNumber = $event->params['order']->number;
foreach ($event->params['order']->lineItems as $item) {
error_log('User id: ' . $user->id);
error_log('Order number: ' . $orderNumber);
error_log('Product title: ' . $item->purchasable->title);
error_log('Product id: ' . $item->purchasable->id);
error_log('Meetings qty: ' . $item->purchasable->product->myFieldHandle);
do some other stuff...
Save the record.