I understood CraftCMS caching should exclude dynamic values, however I have a page built as an Entity within CraftCMS admin which {% include %}
's a template with a form. The templates dynamic form values are somehow being rendered with cached values.
The included template form uses dynamic values from e.g. {{ craft.session.getFlash(key, '') }}
which are getting cached by CraftCMS causing the form to render with someone else's session values.
Neither the Entity nor template had {% cache %}
flags, and I've tried various cache settings to try and prevent such as {% cache unless craft.session.hasFlash('key') %}
within the form template, and before the {% include %}
within the Entity page, however the template is still rendered with cached form values.
This is CraftCMS 2.4 with no custom caching plugins, using a Redis cache store and default Craft caching config values.
How can I prevent this? Thanks!
{% cache %}
tags anywhere in your code? E.g. in a base template or anything else wrapping the entry or form templates?