I want to create a variable based on the contents of a matrix block. This is the code I created:

{% for item in entry.screenshot %} //my matrix field
    {% for asset in item.webpage %} // an asset field in the block
        {% set backgroundUrl = asset.url %} //want to declare a variable using the asset url
   {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

This throws a "backgroundUrl not defined" error when I try to use the variable. Obviously my syntax is wrong. Any advice would be appreciated!

1 Answer 1


This is a twig thing. Loops in twig are scoped. Variables defined in a loop cannot be used outside of that loop. To fix this, you simply have to declare the variable before the loop:

{% set backgroundUrl = "" %}
{% for item in entry.screenshot %}
    {% for asset in item.webpage %}
        {% set backgroundUrl = asset.url %}
   {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

If you know that you only have one asset you can shorten it a bit with:

{% set backgroundUrl = "" %}
{% for item in entry.screenshot %}
    {% set backgroundUrl = item.webpage.first().url %}
{% endfor %}
  • Thanks, Bryan Redeagle! It did seem like a scope issue, but did not know it was a Twig issue. Much appreciated!
    – Roi Agneta
    Jul 23, 2014 at 21:13
  • You can shorten it even further with just this: {% set backgroundUrl = entry.screenshot[0].webpage.first().url %}. If that field is not a required field then I'd drop a conditional around it as well: this: {% set backgroundUrl = entry.screenshot | length ? entry.screenshot[0].webpage.first().url : 'no screenshot!' %} Jul 24, 2014 at 5:44

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