we're using the Dukt Twitter plugin 0.9.25 and it works fine with calling the user's timeline:

    {% set tweets = craft.twitter.get('statuses/user_timeline', {count:1}) %}

If we request any other data like

    {% set tweets = craft.twitter.get('search/tweets', {q:'#craftcms',}) %}

we're receiving two tweets which are empty. Anyone else having these problems and found a solution?

Thanks, Lars

  • Not used the plugin but try %23 instead of #
    – j00lz
    Commented Aug 28, 2015 at 15:11
  • Thanks, but that didn't help.
    – user4020
    Commented Aug 28, 2015 at 20:41

1 Answer 1


I've tested this works on my install:

{% set tweets = craft.twitter.get('search/tweets', {q:'#craftcms'}) %}

{% for tweet in tweets.statuses %}
    {{ tweet.text }}
{% endfor %}

Have you tried running a {{ dump(tweets) }} to see what you get?

  • Thanks, it works. It didn't work cause of a stupid bug in my code.
    – user4020
    Commented Oct 29, 2015 at 16:49

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