I am using Michael Rog's Calendar add-on with these params:
{% switch craft.request.getSegment(2) %}
{% case '' %}
{% set thisCalendar = '2,3' %}
{% set calendarTitle = 'Full Calendar' %}
{% case 'mts' %}
{% set thisCalendar = '2' %}
{% set calendarTitle = 'MTS Calendar' %}
{% case 'day-school' %}
{% set thisCalendar = '3' %}
{% set calendarTitle = 'Day School Calendar' %}
{% endswitch %}
{% set calendarParams = {
dateRangeStart: 'today',
dateRangeEnd: '+36 months',
calendarId: thisCalendar
} %}
The individual calendars are working and showing the correct entries but without a segment 2 I am only getting the events from Calendar ID 2 but not from ID 3.
If I do this:
{% case '' %}
{% set thisCalendar = '3,2' %}
I get events from Calendar ID 3 but not from ID 2.
How do I get events from all calendars? Is comma separated the correct syntax? Should this be working?
{% set thisCalendar = [3,2] %}