I have an issue with rendering a template from within my controller in my plugin. It just seems to re-direct to the dashboard instead of bringing up the template.
I have a widget on the dashboard that calls an action in my plugin's controller file. This works as I can print_r the object I am creating. However when it gets to the render code it just keeps re-directing back to the dashboard. I've even tried stripping out all the code apart from the render call and it still does it. The code making the call is:
return craft()->templates->render('pluginName/index.html');
Which is currently the only code in the plugin function. The plugin has a templates folder where the index.html is held. I've also stripped the template down so it only contains the following:
{% extends "_layouts/cp" %}
{% set centered = true %}
{% set title = "The Title"|t %}
{% set content %}
<p>List the users</p>
{% endset %}
Any clues anyone.