I've got a plugin that works on Craft 4.5. It's been installed a long time, upgraded from 2.x to 3.x.

Now trying to use it on a new install of Craft 4.5.10, installing it does not create any tables. Below is one of the records. So, three questions:

  1. In the CP Plugins page, should clicking install or uninstall create tables or remove them, respectively?
  2. Is it necessary to have a migration in order for the tables to be created?
  3. Any suggestions where to look for what's the problem?

Thank for any hints!

namespace kr37\drycalendar\records;

use Craft;
use craft\db\ActiveRecord;

class Drycalendar extends ActiveRecord
    public static function getTableName() :string
        return '{{%drycalendar}}';

    protected function defineAttributes() {
        return array(
            // Craft automatically creates 'id' as an autoincrement
            'event_id'   => AttributeType::Number,
            'dateYmd'    => AttributeType::String,
            'timestr'    => AttributeType::String,
            'alt_text'   => AttributeType::String,
            'css_class'  => AttributeType::String,
            'userJson'   => AttributeType::String,

    public function defineIndexes() {
        return array(
            array('columns' => array('event_id', 'dateYmd'), 'key' => true),


1 Answer 1


You need to have a migration in your plugin to install the necessary tables and perform other plugin installation/uninstallation actions.

Just because you have a Records/Model class doesn't mean your plugin will automatically detect it and create it. You need to explicitly write this during the installation migration(safeUp() on the instalaltion & safeDown() on the uninstallation in the *pluginName*/Install.php file)

  1. So, if your plugin has migrations, then clicking the Install/Uninstall will trigger these migrations, for example, create/drop table(s).

  2. Yes!

  3. Make sure your plugin actually has some kind of install/uninstall action.

  • Super helpful! Thank you.
    – kr37
    Commented Nov 12, 2023 at 13:26
  • 1
    I think a reason for my confusion is that this must have changed after Craft 2.0. It seems it used to be like this: If you add entirely new records to your plugin, the tables will automatically get created for people just installing your plugin. From link
    – kr37
    Commented Nov 12, 2023 at 19:28
  • Yep, it seems so. I didn't know that either.
    – RomanAvr
    Commented Nov 12, 2023 at 20:44

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