I'm trying to setup aliases following the instructions in the docs, but I can't get them to work (for example they don't appear when setting paths for Assets).

I copied and pasted the code exactly as the example in the docs, and the env variable ROOT_URL shows up in the CP, but the alias @rootUrl does not. Is there another step? I tried clearing caches and logging out/in, but that didn't help.

In the config/general.php file I pasted the code last, right below Dev environment settings. Here is that last portion of the config:

    // Dev environment settings
        'dev' => [
            // existing settings ...
            'backupCommand' => getenv('BACKUP_COMMAND'),
            'restoreCommand' => getenv('RESTORE_COMMAND'),

    // -- config/general.php Code example from docs --
        'aliases' => [
            '@rootUrl' => getenv('ROOT_URL'),

Also, the 3.6 upgrade documentation states (emphasis mine):

The siteName and siteUrl config settings have been deprecated. We strongly recommend you set your sites’ names and URLs using environment variables instead.

So, does this mean I shouldn't even be bothering with aliases? Should everything be an environment variable only?

1 Answer 1


Try to add your alias array within one of your environment array such as:


return [
    // Global settings
    '*' => [
        'aliases' => [
            '@rootUrl' => getenv('ROOT_URL'),

    // Dev environment settings
    'dev' => [
        // ...

    // Staging environment settings
    'staging' => [
        // ...

    // Production environment settings
    'production' => [
        // ...

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