I don't know if you're still facing this issue but it's something I'm working on right now! Basically my solution was to create a short program to parse through the Element Exporter json and to change anything that was an Asset ID to that asset's url (which Feed Me accepts).
public function modifyExport(array $element): array {
$result = [];
//Parse through JSON export
foreach ($element as $key => $value) {
//Recursive function to keep traversing down levels
if (is_array($value)) {
$result[$key] = $this->modifyExport($value);
//You've reached a root level, check the content
} else {
//If the value is a number, it is representing an ID
if (is_numeric($value)) {
//Find the Element corresponding to this id
$assetCheck = Craft::$app->getElements()->getElementTypeById(intval($value));
//Check if the element is an asset
if ($assetCheck == 'craft\\elements\\Asset') {
//Get the actual asset data
$asset = Craft::$app->getElements()->getElementById(intval($value));
//Create the asset path *this may differ based on where your assets are*
$path = getEnv('DEFAULT_SITE_URL') . '/assets/images/' . $asset->folderPath . $asset->filename;
//Rewrite the content with the path, instead of the id
$result[$key] = $path;
//If the element is not an asset, keep it the same
} else {
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;
Once I got the result, I used file_put_contents('end/path/goes/here.json', json_encode('result here'));
to place it in a different file OR you can simply overwrite the same export file. Hope this helps!