I need to store phonetics for word definitions in a plain text field. An example would be something like "Craft Website" => \ ˈkraft ˈweb-ˌsīt \, like you'd see in a dictionary.

If I try saving \ ˈkraft ˈweb-ˌsīt \ in a custom plain text field, I get a database exception, presumably because it takes issue with all the unusual characters not found in UTF-8.

enter image description here

Does Craft have a way to handle this without needing to manually adjust my database?

1 Answer 1


Does Craft have a way to handle this without needing to manually adjust my database?

Swap to PostgreSQL? :)

This is more of a MySQL limitation/configuration issue than a Craft/PHP one.

You can alter the charset/collation of the column the plain text field is being saved to utf8_mb4 and utf8mb4_general_ci and that should solve it.

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