I am trying to retrieve all Channel sections' names/titles. This snippet contains the troublesome part.
{% set allSections = craft.entries.all() %}
{% for section in allSections %}
{% if section.getType() == "channel" %}
{% set navBarLinks = navBarLinks|merge([section.title]) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
allSections contains all entries (I know I am looking for sections but I don't know how to loop all sections. craft.sections returns null, since it's deprecated from Craft 2). ex:
I can see the entry inside a channel 'webshop/overview'. But I want to get only the name of the channel ('webshop' in this case). Also I have 2 other channels without any entries inside them.
navBarLinks currently returns null. I want it to contain the names/titles of the Channel sections regardless if they contain entries inside them.
P.S. I am doing all this so I can have a dynamic navigation bar(similar to breadcrumbs but not exactly). I know Structure will make my life a lot easier but it doesn't quite fit my needs.