I would like to get the events with all their occurrences that belong to a specific month but ignore any of those occurrences before a certain date. From the documentation, the dateRangeStart parameter should the trick but it doesn't work for me. The following query returns all events starting from December 1st.

{% set month = craft.calendar.month({
    dateRangeStart: '2017-12-17',
    calendar: calendarHandle
}) %}

Any help?

1 Answer 1


The calendar.month function is designed to only display complete months, so as long as you specify a date, it's going to show you events for that whole month (before and after).

What you're looking for is the calendar.events function: https://solspace.com/craft/calendar/docs/calendar.events/

The code to display events starting from today plus 1 month (+30 days) would look something like this:

{% set events = craft.calendar.events({
   dateRangeStart: 'today',
   dateRangeEnd: '30 days'
}) %}

If you're looking to display events starting today but stop and the END of the current month, your code would look something like this:

{% set events = craft.calendar.events({
   dateRangeStart: 'today',
   dateRangeEnd: 'last day of +0 month'
}) %}
  • Thank you for the reply. I'm a bit confused by this. What is the purpose of the dateRangeStart and dateRangeEnd as mentioned in the documentation for craft.calendar.month? The reason I'm asking is that I want to output the events of a specific month grouped by days as in {% for week in month %} {% for day in week %} ... which from what I understand is not possible using craft.calendar.events. Commented Dec 18, 2017 at 9:38
  • Honestly, I think those are errors in the documentation. I will double check with our lead developer and then remove them. Sorry for the confusion.
    – Solspace
    Commented Dec 22, 2017 at 20:13

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