If we pass through an array of Channels & Structure sections we find that Channels entries tend to be listed first. So the first 15 will comprise of ChannelOne and ChannelTwo and then start listing the Structure section.

{% set homepageEntries = craft.entries({
    section: ['channelOne','StructureOne',channelTwo','StructureTwo'],
    limit: 15
}) %}

{% for item in homepageEntries %}
{{ item.title }}
{% endfor %}

All we want is a list of the 15 most recent items from a number of sections.

It does not look to be as straightforward as it seems. Creating multiple arrays of ids and merging still seems to produce the same results.

2 Answers 2


I was presuming that the default Order for Channels and Structure was postDate desc. But it turns out the default for Structure is sortOrder

{% set homepageEntries = craft.entries({
    section: ['channelOne','StructureOne',channelTwo','StructureTwo'],
    order: 'postDate desc',
    limit: 15
}) %}

Explicitly stating the order seems to fix this issue


I'm not exactly sure why what you're trying doesn't work, but there seems to be a workable solution in this post: How do I sort a collection of entries from multiple sections by date?.

For your example:

{% set channelOneIds = craft.entries.section('channelOne').ids() %}
{% set structureOneIds = craft.entries.section('structureOne').ids() %}
{% set channelTwoIds = craft.entries.section('channelTwo').ids() %}
{% set structureTwoIds = craft.entries.section('structureTwo').ids() %}

{% set homepageEntryIds = channelOneIds

{% set homepageEntries = craft.entries.id(homepageEntryIds).limit(15) %}

{% for item in homepageEntries %}
    {{ item.title }}
{% endfor %}

The sorting by postDate descending, is the default, but if you want to be explicit, you can add .order('postDate desc') just before the .limit when setting homepageEntries.

  • Thanks Jake. Yes I had tried that one but it doesn't look very efficient where we have 1000s of entries in each section of which there are 6 +. Im real curious though as to why this doesn't work out of the box as seems like a simple thing that should 'just work'. Commented Aug 27, 2017 at 18:56

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