I have a very basic macro for a lazyloading responsive image tag:

{% macro isotopeItem(imgParam) %}

  {% set thumb = { mode: 'fit', width: 100, quality: 60, } %}
  {% set tSM = { mode: 'fit', width: 1536, quality: 80, } %}
  {% set tMD = { mode: 'fit', width: 340, quality: 80, } %}
  {% set tXL = { mode: 'fit', width: 1536, quality: 80, } %}

    src="data:image/gif;base64,{# yadayada #}"
    data-src="{{ imgParam.url(thumb) }}"
    alt="{{ imgParam.title }}"
      {{ imgParam.url(tSM) }} {{ imgParam.getWidth(tSM) }}w,
      {{ imgParam.url(tMD) }} {{ imgParam.getWidth(tMD) }}w,
      {{ imgParam.url(tXL) }} {{ imgParam.getWidth(tXL) }}w"
    class="lazyload" />

{% endmacro %}

As you can see the image transformations are inside the macro which is not very nice.

How do I write the transformations outside the macro and then pass it into it? I tried tried to write one param for each transformation:

{% set thumb = { mode: 'fit', width: 100, quality: 60, } %}
{% set tSM = { mode: 'fit', width: 1536, quality: 80, } %}
{% set tMD = { mode: 'fit', width: 340, quality: 80, } %}
{% set tXL = { mode: 'fit', width: 1536, quality: 80, } %}

{% macro isotopeItem(imgParam, transformParam1, transformParam2 {# and so on #}) %}
   {# responive image srcset code like the above example #}
{% endmacro %}

{# I then would have to call the macro like this: #}

{{ _self.isotopeItem(asset, thumb, tSM, tMD, tXL) }}

This works but I have to pass all the transforms everytime I use the macro.

There must be a better way right?

1 Answer 1


Edit: I changed it to your variables, not sure if I set the array brackets 100% correct but the idea should work.

You could set the defaults in the macro as you already did, then in your template call the macro and pass the options e.g. :

{% set image = block.slide.first() %}
{# macro #}
  {% set imgParam = [
    thumb: { quality: 60, },
    tSM: { mode: 'crop', width: 1536 },

{% macro isotopeItem(imgParam) %}

and merge the passed options in the macro with your macros defaults e.g.:

 {% set defaults = [
    thumb: { mode: 'fit', width: 100, quality: 60, },
    tSM: { mode: 'fit', width: 1536, quality: 80, },
    tMD: { mode: 'fit', width: 340, quality: 80, },
    tXL: { mode: 'fit', width: 1536, quality: 80, }

{% set imgParam = imgParam ? defaults|merge(imgParam) : defaults %}

so you will only need to pass explicit changes.

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