I want to create a basic Craft installation that I can use as my starting point. I don't want to just start with the Craft download, because there is a lot of common setup I don't want to repeat every time.

My problem is making sure I properly pay Pixel & Tonic for a new license each time I need one.

2 Answers 2


Relevant link: http://buildwithcraft.com/help/license-enforcement

But the TLDR is that purchases are tied to your craft/config/license.key file and the purchase will follow that file wherever it goes.

So as long as your replication script ignores that file, you'll get a fresh one tied to Craft Personal Edition the first time that Craft sees it's has an internet connection and you can make a new purchase.

Additionally, and regardless of edition, Craft will tie the license.key file to a domain when it thinks it's being run on a "public" domain. Here is how we determine what is public.

Even if Craft gets that wrong (maybe you develop on public staging domaina.com, but the site will ultimately be on a public domainb.com) and Craft ties the license.key file to the staging domaina.com, the worst that will happen is that when you deploy the license.key file to domainb.com, you'll get a alert in the control panel saying something to the affect of:

"This license.key file is already in use on domaina.com. Would you like to transfer it to domainb.com?"

None of the site's functionality will be affected.

  • 4
    so a .gitignore of craft/config/license.key is all I need. Cool! Commented Aug 12, 2014 at 18:48

Take a look at Jake Chapman's Craft CMS - Boilerplate on GitHub. You simply copy or clone your Craft boilerplate for each new project, and then add a newly downloaded craft/app/ folder (wich is already on the latest Craft version) with a new license.key file to it.

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