After going through the documentation I believe that this is the correct code to output the url for the asset field but its not working and I have no idea why. Please help!
{% nav program in craft.entries.section('program').level(1) %}
{% set active = entry is defined and program.isAncestorOf(entry) %}
<div class="{% if active %}active{% endif %}">
{% if program.featureImage|length %}
<img src="{{ program.featureImage.first().url }}" alt="{{ program }}">
{% endif %}
<h3 href="{{ program.url }}">{{ program.title }}</h3>
<p>{{ program.description }}</p>
{% endnav %}
working? What value do you get when outputtingprogram.featureImage|length
are both working as intended they output the correct data. I get a value of1
when outputtingprogram.featureImage|length
by itself. Its a really wierd cause everything indicates that it should just output the image urlprogram.featureImage
{{ program.featureImage.first.filename }}
output?Impossible to access an attribute ("filename") on a null variable