I am hoping that somebody can help with this issue.

I followed this excellent tutorial on creating a custom widget in Craft. On completion, I uploaded the plugin to the /craft/plugins/ directory, visited the page at /admin/settings/plugins and installed the plugin. All fine so far. Then, on returning to the dashboard, I clicked on New Widget, and selected the name of the widget. Following this, a message flashed up saying 'An unknown error occurred.' and little else happened.

It's probably user error, but if you could point out what I might have done incorrectly, that'd be useful.

My Plugin Structure

The plugin's called Adlister and the widget's called Alu, so in /craft/plugins/adlister/ I have two folders ( templates/ and widgets/ ), and a file: AdListerPlugin.php. Within templates/ is a file: AluWidget.html and within widgets/ is AdLister_AluWidget.php.

File Contents


namespace Craft;

class AdListerPlugin extends BasePlugin
    function getName()
         return Craft::t('AdLister');

    function getVersion()
        return '1.0';

    function getDeveloper()
        return 'Mark Syred';

    function getDeveloperUrl()
        return 'http://www.sypo.uk';


<p>Click to perform <a href="http://example.co.uk/adlister-update.php?numDays=1">a daily update</a>.</p>
<p>Click to perform <a href="http://example.co.uk/adlister-update.php?numDays=3">an update on a Monday</a>.</p>
<p>Click to perform <a href="http://example.co.uk/adlister-update.php?numDays=7">a weekly update</a>.</p>
<p>Click to perform <a href="http://example.co.uk/adlister-update.php?numDays=30">a monthly update</a>.</p>


namespace Craft;

class Adlister_AluWidget extends BaseWidget
    public function getName()
        return Craft::t('Adlister Update');

    public function getBodyHtml()
        return craft()->templates->render('adlister/AluWidget');

Any help that anyone could provide would be much appreciated.

With kind regards,



I don't know if this has any bearing, but the version of Craft I'm running is 2.6.2911.

  • I actually set up your plugin by using the code in your question, and adding the widget worked fine on my end. Are these stubs – i.e. anything else in your code besides the stuff you posted? Or is this the complete thing? Commented Aug 24, 2016 at 9:54
  • Also, did you check your log files under /craft/storage/runtime/logs (search for [error] and possibly your server error log files as well – might be a clue in there. Commented Aug 24, 2016 at 9:55
  • @MatsMikkelRummelhoff Thanks for your comment. The code in my question displays the complete code. It's good to know it works for someone! I will go ahead now and check the error logs... Commented Aug 24, 2016 at 10:05
  • Yeah, I set it up exactly like you describe, so without being able to reproduce the issue it's hard to advise. Hopefully there's a more helpful error message in the logs :) Commented Aug 24, 2016 at 10:06
  • @MatsMikkelRummelhoff I've checked the error logs - both on craft and in the server - and there's nothing relevant that I can see. I've resorted to contacting Pixel & Tonic via the Dashboard in Craft. Thanks anyway for your support. Commented Aug 24, 2016 at 10:30

1 Answer 1


I feel quite embarrassed, but I have finally got this thing working. The error that I had made was within AdLister_AluWidget.php. I had written at line 4: class Adlister_AluWidget extends BaseWidget instead of what it should have been: class AdLister_AluWidget extends BaseWidget. So, AdLister should have been written with an UPPER-CASE 'L' and not lower-case. If anyone else is struggling, hopefully my error will help them.

The correct code in full:

namespace Craft;

class AdLister_AluWidget extends BaseWidget
    public function getName()
        return Craft::t('Adlister Update');

    public function getBodyHtml()
        return craft()->templates->render('adlister/AluWidget');

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