I've got a site with multiple locales and I want to merge together content from across these locales, eg News.

The two sections share the same fields so should theoretically be able to be sorted by a shared criteria.

Looking at the post at How do I sort a collection of entries from multiple sections by date? I can merge these both into a single array but when I try to post the ids from these into a new query (to sort the results) only one set of results are returned.

Sample code:

{% set ids = craft.entries.section('news' ~ Section).relatedTo(active).ids() %}
{% set mergeIds = craft.entries.section('newsAlumni').status(null).locale('prior_alum').search('shareNewsAlumni:1').localeEnabled(false).ids() %}
{% set ids = ids|merge(mergeIds) %}

{% set news = craft.entries.id(ids).localeEnabled(false).status(null).order(['stickyNews desc','postDate desc']).ids() %}

If I dump the results of ids I get:

295484 | 3747 | 1787 | 1783 | 1781 | 1778 | 638 | 636 | 640 | 295486

295486 being the entry from mergeIds being returned. However, if I dump the results of news I get:

295484 | 3747 | 1787 | 1783 | 1781 | 1778 | 638 | 636 | 640

Leaving out the result from mergeIds. Any thoughts on why the entries from mergeIds are not being included in the resulting news object?



1 Answer 1


With that last {% set news = craft.entries.id(ids) %} criteria model you're querying in one locale only and there's no way to change that, Craft doesn't have a feature to set up a criteria model to query in multiple locales.

You'd have to merge the entry models themselves and use something like the Super Sort plugin to bring them in order.

{% set entriesA = craft.entries.section('news' ~ Section).relatedTo(active).ids() %}
{% set entriesB = craft.entries.section('newsAlumni').status(null).locale('prior_alum').search('shareNewsAlumni:1').localeEnabled(false).ids() %}
{% set entries = entriesA|merge(entriesB) %}

{% set entries = entries|supersort('sortAs', '{postDate}')|reverse %}
{% set entries = entries|supersort('sortAs', '{stickyNews}') %}
  • Thanks Carl - that was the approach taken: {% set pages = [] %} {% set pages = craft.entries.section('news' ~ Section).relatedTo(active).localeEnabled(false) %} {% set newsAlum = craft.entries.section('newsAlumni').relatedTo(active).status(null).locale('prior_alum').search('shareNewsAlumni:1').localeEnabled(false) %} {% set pages = pages|merge(newsAlum) %} {% set news = pages | supersort('rsortAs', "{ postDate|date('Ymd') }") %} Commented Apr 1, 2016 at 13:02

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