There is almost never a reason why I would want an image to be scaled past 100% by a transform. This usually results in an image being looking worse than it would if scaled by the browser. Is there a way to tell Craft not to scale an image past 100% of its original size, even if the transform width is larger?


3 Answers 3



getWidth will give you an image's width: {% set originalWidth = image.getWidth(false) %}. You want to apply the transform if desiredWidth is less than originalWidth. I would write a twig macro:

{% macro transform(image, desiredWidth) %}
  {% set originalWidth = image.getWidth(false) %}
  {% if desiredWidth < originalWidth %}
    {{ image.getUrl({mode: 'fit', width: desiredWidth}) }}
  {% else %}
    {{ image.getUrl() }}
  {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

You could also do the same test, and then conditionally setTransform on the image.

If you define your transforms in the CP the macro would be like this:

{% macro transform(image, transformHandle) %}
  {% set originalWidth = image.getWidth(false) %}
  {% set transformedWidth = image.getWidth(transformHandle) %}
  {% if transformedWidth < originalWidth %}
    {{ image.getUrl(transformHandle) }}
  {% else %}
    {{ image.getUrl() }}
  {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
  • 3
    Good answer. Would be nice, though, if this was a setting built into Transforms.
    – cmal
    Commented Jul 27, 2014 at 19:26
  • 1
    @cmal it looks like a setting to prevent upscaling is already on "The List".
    – carlcs
    Commented Jul 27, 2014 at 21:43

Here's a slight revision that checks widths and heights and ensures that the output has no white space:

{%- macro imageURL(image, transform) -%}
    {% spaceless %}
        {% if image.getWidth > image.getWidth(transform) or image.getHeight > image.getHeight(transform) %}
            {{ image.getUrl(transform) }}
        {% else %}
            {{ image.getUrl }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endspaceless %}
{%- endmacro -%}

Template usage:

{% import "_macros" as utils %}

<img src="{{ utils.imageURL(asset, 'medium') }}">

In Craft 3 there's another way of doing it.
Brandon explained it here

{% set transformDimensions = craft.app.assetTransforms.getTransformByHandle('contentWidth') %}
{% set transform = {
    width: min(transformDimensions.width, image.width),
    mode: 'fit'
} %}

<img src="{{ image.url(transform) }}" alt="" />

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