I am sure this must be answered somewhere and I cannot find it. I need to grab all images from a section (channel) and display them in a slide show on the index page (index page is a single,so index page of the entries from that section). I just cannot seem to get this correct. Here is what I am trying
{% set storyItem = craft.entries.section('stories').find() %}
so stories is the section where the entries are.
{% for previewImage in storyItem.slideshowImage.offset(1) %}
{% for previewImage in storyItem.slideshowImage.limit(1) %}
{% for previewImage in storyItem.slideshowImage.offset(1) %}
The limit and offset are just to make the slider I have work and that does work on another page so that does not seem to be what is stopping me here. I am somewhat new to craft and my gut is telling me this is a simple answer but I have been stuck on it for a while now and coming back to it off and on to no avail.