I'm importing data from an XML file. I'm having trouble accessing some of the deeper nodes in the xml file.

Example of my xml here (chapter being the repeating item):

<article xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="en" class="techreport">

<title> Title – Version </title>
<subtitle> Release Notes </subtitle>
<title> Improvement </title>
<title> AP - Accounts Payable </title>
<listitem xml:id="A50-3451-1">
Allow edit for Shipment Comment on Both Shipments after Post Invoice if Edit Shipment After Posting is enabled.
<listitem xml:id="A50-3487-2">
Make AP Generate Payment form and report all fields from AP Transaction.
<title> CB - Cash Book </title>
<listitem xml:id="A50-3314-3">
Added StatementID, StatementLineNo and PeriodReconciled as available fields for the transactions band on the CB Unreconciled Transactions layout, making it easy to see if a transaction which is unreconciled as at the period reported on is on a statement, and reconciled subsequently.
<title> Bug Fix </title>
<title> ALL - All Modules </title>
<listitem xml:id="A50-3400-1">
Fix possible A record already exists with that Layout (..) code - Error message.


And my template code so far:

{% set params0 = {
    url: 'https://sitename/downloads/ReleaseNotes.xml',
    type: 'xml',
    element: 'chapter',
    cache: 60,
} %}

{% set params1 = {
    url: 'https://sitename/downloads/ReleaseNotes.xml',
    type: 'xml',
    element: 'sect1',
    cache: 60,
} %}

{% set params2 = {
    url: 'https://sitename/downloads/ReleaseNotes.xml',
    type: 'xml',
    element: 'sect2',
    cache: 60,
} %}

{% set feed0 = craft.feedme.feed(params0) %}
{% set feed1 = craft.feedme.feed(params1) %}
{% set feed2 = craft.feedme.feed(params2) %}

{% for node in feed0 %}
    <h4><strong>{{ node.title }}</strong></h4>

    {% for node in feed1 %}
        <p>{{ node.title }}</p>

        {% for node in feed2 %}
            <p>{{ node.title }}</p>
            <p>{{ node.itemizedlist.listitem.para }}</p>
        {% endfor %}

    {% endfor %}

{% endfor %}

I've ended up using multiple feeds as I couldn't get to the "para" node at all. This maybe wrong. I thought that <p>{{ node.itemizedlist.listitem.para }}</p> would do the trick. Can someone offer some help please.

  • @KSP If you use this node.itemizedlist[0].listitem.para you will only get the first item :)
    – Dennisvdw
    Jun 9, 2020 at 13:22

2 Answers 2


I think your problem is that <listitem xml:id="A50-3487-2"> has an attribute, so you would need to use <p>{{ node.itemizedlist.listitem['@'].para }}</p> to get the node value.

See the bottom of the docs here: https://docs.craftcms.com/feed-me/v4/feature-tour/using-in-your-templates.html

  • Thanks, I tried that after finding those docs but I get a runtime error: Key "@" for array with keys "0, 1" does not exist. Still not sure what's going on
    – xenowebdev
    Feb 28, 2020 at 21:19
  • Ah! I think the issue rather is that you need to loop over the itemizedlist as it’s an array of listitems. So it’s for instance node.itemizedlist[0].listitem.para should probably work!
    – KSP
    Feb 29, 2020 at 13:10

Here's the final solution in case anyone else comes across this post. It is a specific use-case answer.

{% set feedParams = {
  url: 'https://yoursite.com/folder/ReleaseNotes.xml',
  type: 'xml',
  element: 'chapter',
  cache: 60,
} %}

{% set chapters = craft.feedme.feed(feedParams) %}

{% for chapter in chapters %}
  <h4 style="color:#0096dc;"><strong>{{ chapter.title }}</strong></h4>
  {% if chapter.sect1.title is defined %} {# There's only one sect1 within this chapter node #}
    {{ _self.level1(chapter.sect1) }}
  {% elseif chapter.sect1 is defined %}
    {% for sect in chapter.sect1 %}
      {{ _self.level1(sect) }}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% macro level1(section) %}
  <h5 style="margin-bottom:1rem;"><strong>{{ section.title }}</strong></h5>
  {% if section.sect2.title is defined %} {# There's only one sect2 within this sect1 node #}
    {{ _self.level2(section.sect2) }}
  {% elseif section.sect2 is defined %}
    {% for subsection in section.sect2 %}
      {{ _self.level2(subsection) }}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro level2(subsection) %}
  <p style="color:;"><strong><i>{{ subsection.title }}</i></strong></p>
  {% if subsection.itemizedlist.listitem.para is defined %}
    {{ _self.level3(subsection.itemizedlist.listitem) }}
  {% elseif subsection.itemizedlist.listitem is defined %}
    {% for item in subsection.itemizedlist.listitem %}
      {{ _self.level3(item) }}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
{% endmacro %}

{% macro level3(item) %}
  <p style="padding-left:15px;">{{ item.para }}</p>
{% endmacro %}

Thanks to @KSP and to @Evan Warner on Craft Discord for the final answer.

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