I have a custom element type that I want to allow anonymous submission from the front-end. I have a solid concept on how the form data is passed but I seem to be missing something.

I have the controller setup like so:

class PluginNameController extends BaseController
     * @var Allows anonymous access to this controller's actions.
     * @access protected
    protected $allowAnonymous = array('actionSubmit');

     * Allow public submission of the element type
    public function actionSubmit()
        // require post request for this action

        $entry = craft()->request->getPost();

        // set the form id from the post request
        $formId = craft()->request->getPost('formId');
        $entry = craft()->request->getPost();

        // if form id is empty, throw exception as we can't continue
        if (!$formId) {
            throw new Exception(Craft::t('The formId is required to submit.'));

        if (craft()->pluginName->publicSubmission($formId, $entry))
            die('failed submission');

My element type has 4 fields that are required and those submit anonymously as expected as I am grabbing them using getPost. However, my plugin also utilizes the getSources method and each formId has a field layout assigned to the custom element type, lets say 'entry'.

Whats causing the trip up is the fact that since this is an element type that utilizes a field layout, I will need to account for the fields based on the formId. So when using getPost I can namespace the attributes for the element type, but I am trying to find the best way to capture the fields specified in the field layout and save those to the appropriate table..

Any thoughts?

  • Just to clarify... Is the question about how to pass data to a controller? The title implies that you're having trouble submitting anonymously, but it looks like you're doing that part correctly. Where in the script is it failing?
    – Lindsey D
    Jul 24, 2014 at 22:15
  • I need to clean up the question a little more.. Will do that now to make more sense of exactly what I am asking. Jul 25, 2014 at 1:51
  • I edited my original question a little bit. The easy part is grabbing the attributes for my element type, but since the et is using a field layout... I'm looking at using craft()->fields->assembleLayoutFromPost(); and seeing how far that gets me. Jul 25, 2014 at 4:49

1 Answer 1


Ok, so I finally figured it out. The trick was using the following two methods:

  • assembleLayoutFromPost()
  • setContentFromPost('fields')

The controller now looks like this:

public function actionSubmit()
// require POST

// assume new element type
$elementtype = new PluginName_ElementTypeModel();

// assign the attributes specific to the element type
$elementtype->formId    = craft()->request->getPost('formId');
$elementtype->fieldName1 = craft()->request->getPost('fieldName1');
$elementtype->fieldName2  = craft()->request->getPost('fieldName2');

// if form id does NOT exist
if (!$elementtype->formId)
    // @TODO figure out how to return errors/validation
    dd('need a form id');
// if form id exists but we can't find it in the system
elseif (craft()->elementtype_forms->getFormById($elementtype->formId) == null)
    // @TODO figure out how to return errors/validation
    dd('form does not exist');

// setup a new form model
$form = new PluginName_FormModel();

// shared attributes
$form->id = $elementtype->formId;

// set the field layout
$fieldLayout = craft()->fields->assembleLayoutFromPost();
$fieldLayout->type = ElementType::Asset;

// set content from post with the fields namespace

// Save it
if (craft()->elementtype->save($elementtype))
    dd('not saved');


The main difference was on the front-end where I namespaced the fields that were assigned via the field layout, so the template to submit looked like this:

<form id="plugin-form"guinname method="post" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8">
    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="pluginname/submit">
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="pluginname?submit=success">
    <input type="hidden" name="formId" value="1">

<!-- Required Fields -->
<label>Field 1
    <input type="text" name="fieldName1" />
<label>Last Name
    <input type="text" name="fieldName2" />
<!-- End Required Fields -->

<!-- My Custom Fields -->
<textarea name="fields[body]" rows="8" cols="40">OMG IT WORKED</textarea>

<button type="submit">Submit Now</button>

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