Hey I am trying to get 4 entries, but only want 4 that have a body length > 100.

How would I accomplish this?

{% for entry in craft.entries.section('artists').order('RAND()').limit(4) %}
  // only display 4 entries with entry.body|length > 100
{% endfor %}


2 Answers 2


I highly recommend to use the fantastic Preparse plugin to save to length of your body text in a hidden field.

Create and add a new "bodyLength" Preparse field to your "Artists" entry type. Use this Twig code in the field settings:

{{ entry.body|length }}

To update all existing entries, re-save them by going into Settings → Sections → Artists and click Save. You can now simply set up a criteria model to query for entries with a body length greater than 100 like so:

{% set entries = craft.entries.section('artists').bodyLength('> 100') %}

You could do something like this:

{# Grab all entries with a body > 100 %}
{% for entry in craft.entries.section('artists').order('RAND()').find() if entry.body|length > 100 %}

{# Limit output to the first 4 #}
{% if loop.index1 <= 4 %}
        {{ entry.id }}'s body field has a length greater than 100!<br />
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Keep in mind that if entry.body is a Rich Text field than any HTML markup (<p>, <span>, etc.) will be included in that length count as well.

Twig doesn't have a break or continue tag natively, but if you install the MN Break and Continue plugin, you can make it a bit more efficient:

{# Grab all entries with a body > 100 %}
{% for entry in craft.entries.section('artists').order('RAND()').find() if entry.body|length > 100 %}
    {% if loop.index1 > 4 %}
        {% break %}
    {% endif %}

    {{ entry.id }}'s body field has a length greater than 100!<br />
{% endfor %}
  • Thanks for this Brad. using this code runs through the 4 entries and only displaying the ones that have body|length > 100. So sometime this will only display two entries since the other two has body|length < 100. What I am trying to achieve is to always show 4 entries. Oct 6, 2015 at 21:32
  • Ahh, updated answer.
    – Brad Bell
    Oct 6, 2015 at 21:45

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