I realise this is probably a duplicate of the other questions just like it but I thought I'd raise it here before filing a bug with P&T.

Basically, when a new entry is added to a section, the template cache isn't invalidating. Here is the template in question, is there anything in the code that would cause this?

    {% extends "_layouts/two-col" %}

    {% block main %}

        {% cache unless not craft.config.cache %}


        {% set cutoffDate = now|date_modify('- ' ~ '1' ~ ' days') %}
        {% set events = craft.entries.section('whatsOn').order('dateStart') %}

        {% set eventIds = [] %}
        {% for event in events if (event.dateEnd ? event.dateEnd : event.dateStart) >= cutoffDate %}
          {% set eventIds = eventIds|merge([event.id]) %}
        {% endfor %}

        {% set allEvents = craft.entries.id(eventIds).fixedOrder('true') %}

        {% paginate allEvents.limit(12) as events %}

        <ul class="list list--articles">

            {% for event in events %}

                <li class="item" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Event">

                    <header class="item__header">

                        <div class="item__meta">

                            <time itemprop="startDate" content="{{event.dateStart}}" datetime="{{event.dateStart}}">{{event.dateStart|date("jS F Y")}}</time>

                            {% if event.dateEnd|length %}
                                — <time itemprop="endDate" content="{{event.dateStart}}" datetime="{{event.dateStart}}">{{event.dateEnd|date("jS F Y")}}</time>
                            {% endif %}


                        <h3 class="item__title h4" itemprop="name"><a href="{{ event.url }}" class="">{{ event.title }}</a></h3>

                        <div class="item__type">
                            <span class="tag tag--{{event.eventType|slugify}}">{{event.eventType}}</span>
                            <span itemprop="location" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Place"> {{event.location}}</span>


                    <div class="item__description">
                        <a href="{{ event.url }}">Find out more</a>


            {% endfor %}


        {% if paginate.totalPages > 1 %}

            <nav class="nav nav--pagination">

                <ul class="nav__list">

                {# <a href="{{ paginate.firstUrl }}">First Page</a> #}
            {# {% if paginate.prevUrl %}<a href="{{ paginate.prevUrl }}">Previous Page</a>{% endif %} #}

            {% for page, url in paginate.getPrevUrls(5) %}
              <li class="nav__item">
                <a href="{{ url }}" class="nav__link">{{ page }}</a>
            {% endfor %}

            <li class="nav__item nav__item--active"><span class="nav__link">{{ paginate.currentPage }}</span></li>

            {% for page, url in paginate.getNextUrls(5) %}
                <li class="nav__item">
                    <a href="{{ url }}" class="nav__link">{{ page }}</a>
            {% endfor %}

           {#  {% if paginate.nextUrl %}<a href="{{ paginate.nextUrl }}">Next Page</a>{% endif %}
            <a href="{{ paginate.lastUrl }}">Last Page</a> #}



        {% endif %}

        {% endpaginate %}

        {% endcache %}  

    {% endblock %}

    {% block sidebar %}

        {% include '_partials/newsletter-signup' with { grid:'false' } %}

        {% include '_partials/social' %}

    {% endblock %}

If this all looks normal, I guess it is a bug with Craft?

  • Any updates on this issue, harmish?
    – carlcs
    Feb 5, 2015 at 11:45
  • Kind of. P&T looked in to it but were unable to re-produce the problem reliably so it's not something that's going to be fixed in any sort of time-frame, as far as I can tell. Feb 9, 2015 at 13:53
  • Looks like this is doomed to linger unless the problem magically fixes itself. I've had a similar issue with rather meaty sub-templates, but that doesn't seem relevant here. Would you mind adding your Craft version and clarifying what environment(s) are pertinent here, if only for posterity?
    – Matt Stein
    Feb 20, 2015 at 2:18
  • It appears this was fixed in a recent Craft update :) Feb 27, 2015 at 9:24
  • I'm actually still experiencing problems with this so not sure if it was indeed fixed. Mar 3, 2015 at 12:02


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